Based on Families Experience
This is a useful tool for calculating calories, protein, fat and fluids based on weight and height guidelines. After opening the document, input your child’s weight and height and the low and high end of the guidelines will automatically be calculated. On page two, you can input your child’s formula mixture and nutritional values will change. There are instructions on each page. Page three has vitamin and minerals calculated from Tolerex and Pediatric Vivonex. Thank you, Jen Boro Peters for creating these very helpful documents!
*Please be aware that as a child’s weight increases, the ratio of fluid, calories, and protein to weight will gradually be less than the ranges given on these documents. This does not mean your child’s nutritional requirements aren’t being met. You do not want to over-feed a child with SMA, but should adjust and monitor intake based on lab results, growth, and over-all health of the child.
*When calculating a diet for your child, it is highly recommended that you consult with a parent experienced in following accurate AA diet guidelines. There are many willing to share their opinions and experience on the SMA AA DIET face book group.
Click on link below to download documents: